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Our story
what we do as a family


When you donate to our family , you are sowing into the calling God has given us. And this allows us to continue to walk in it everyday.  Thank you! 

Meet our family

As a family, we are currently working to expand the Kingdom of God through different activities and daily discipleship of all of the team members we manage across a variety of ministries, as well as weekly medical outreach. 

The Lord called us to build an online platform for training, equipping and discipling the body of Christ. He called us to be bridges between Hispanics and Americans to be sent to the middle east and sustain the prayer/worship movement in unreached areas of the World. 
We have dedicated our lives to intercede for the nations, especially nations who are unreached with the gospel. We are full-time missionaries living and serving in Guatemala currently. 

We serve under the leadership and oversight of our established Church in Guatemala and we have a fundraising account with a third party missionary accountant based in the USA.

hOw we serve


Leading and sustaining the prayer houses in Antigua Guatemala and Guatemala City. It is also a place where we equip others in intercession with the Word

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Medical Care

As licensed physicians, in partnership with Healing Nations we provide weekly medial outreaches where we can take care of physical and spiritual needs

Reaching the middle

The Lord has clearly called us to minister in the Middle east. God gave us the vision of training and mobilising missionaries who will sustain Prayer Houses through the Middle East. We have served in Turkey and Isarel



We have the chance to train visiting and local missionaries in how to lead and open Prayer Houses. It is a great opportunity to connect and grow all together.



Every week we lead prayer meetings where we pray specifically for the Nation of Israel and other nations. We have the call to intercede and encourage others to intercede. 



The Lord gave us the design to create an Online training platform for the equipping of the Church. We are passionate to teach about End times, Church History and using Intercession as the tool to advance in the kingdom of God and spread the Gospel in the nations. 

Local Church Leadership

As a family we passionately invest in our Local Church. We are leading the Worship team from our Church and are part of the eldership team as well as associate Pastors. 



Every Wednesday is dedicated for the Discipleship of men and women who desire to grow in the Lord and grow in a deep understanding of the Word of God. 

vision for the
middle east

We have a vision to move to the Middle East whenever the Lord says “go now”. 

Our heart for Muslims and Jews has grown so much in the past few years. Our passion to serve these groups has led us to realize our vision for training missionaries who will sustain prayer houses in the Middle East. We want to open many houses of prayer that the land in the Middle East is continually covered in prayer and so we can have a personal connection point into the nations the Lord has chosen.

Our dream is to see many missionaries go to these unreached areas so that the Gospel can open the eyes of Muslims and so they can love Jesus. We feel called to serve as a “bridge” between Muslims and Jews. We know that the Lord has called to us unite Arabs and Jews. We intentionally contend in intercession for this ask the Lord to position us as a channel of reconcilliation by His Spirit.

Many of these nations do not permit missionaries. However, we know our gift of providing medicine and care can be used as a “key” to enter countries in the Middle East where we otherwise would not be welcomed. We have thought and prayed through the idea of entering countries as doctors in order to help people who are in need and to bring Jesus to them.

We don’t know when the Lord will ask us to move, but we want to be ready when the time comes.

-Willy & Sofia

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And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.Rev 5:8

© 2023

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